Monday, November 2, 2009


We always have a choice on anything and everything we do. Right from waking up to the time we go to bed and even while we sleep we have a choice. We have the choice whether to open our eyes now or later, we have the choice whether to move out of the bed and start the day now or later, we have the choice of the position we sleep. There comes so many chances of making a choice in our daily life and we make a choice without our cognition as making the smallest of choices in the daily routine would have become a habit by the time we realize that we are really making a choice now. And this assemblage of choices makes our day and these days coherently make our life.
We are so accustomed to taking these small decisions of the day that when we are challenged with a huge one we usually stumble, run to the corner trying to find a place to hide. One such choice every individual has to make is his/her wedding. You have to make a choice whether to get married or not married. If the later is chosen then you can get back to the normal mode of making easy small choices but if the earlier choice is made then pops the next set of choices. Marry a known devil or an unknown angel I meant marry a friend or a stranger. If a known devil is chosen then comes the dearth of making any choices as you are likely to lose any confidence you have in making choices. If an unknown angel is to be chose then arrives a truck load of choices to make.
In this scenario I would agree with the saying that “A man makes a choice first and then the choice makes the man”. The rest of the life largely depends upon this choice that he or she makes at this juncture. It’s a choice worth taking as it changes the life or changes the person altogether as I have witnessed in some cases of my friends who got married.
If anyone out there is seeking the strength to make such choice then tell yourself

I don’t make a right choice. I make a choice and make it right

Now you have the choice of commenting or not. Go on and pick your choice ;)


  1. I definitely chose to post a comment here. As far as the choice you are talking about is concerned, it's not so easy to finally take a decision...
    But then what you wrote is the real approach that needs to be followed by us: “I don’t make a right choice. I make a choice and make it right"; because if we are determined nothing can go wrong after we have made a choice...

  2. I've chosen to comment! ;)
    Nice one... yup life is made up of choices. And we are who we are because of the choices we make. By the way... the talk of marriage coincidental.. or something cooking? ;)

  3. If choose not to comment, how am i going to let you know :P
    Let me read well and post the next comment :P

  4. A lovely post, Avin.

    Only this afternoon, I was talking to a colleague about this subject.. We all have a choice - whether to lead a life of values or not. This choice is available to us at all times of our life. It is a rare person who, knowing the consequenses, decides to live a life which does not compromise on values...

